Lucas Papillon

Hi, I'm Lucas Papillon. I'm a Freelance Front-end developer and webdesigner living in Paris. My primary interests are code, design and interaction.

Vattenfall website

Vattenfall website

Login Annimation

Pull to refresh annimation

Pull to refresh annimation

FIAC 2015

FIAC 2015





Todo list app with ReactJS

Todo list app with ReactJS

This website

This website



Scientist Girl

Scientist Girl

Lucas Papillon


Mission Publicis Sapient

April 2019 - Present : Front end developer.

Integration of the new version(V2) of mafrenchbank website, as well as

Mission Vattenfall

April 2018 - April 2019 : Front end developer.

Integration of Vattenfall website, as well as private and professional customer Area.

Mission RS2i

January 2018 - April 2018 : Webdesign, Front end & wordpress developer.

Design misson to redesign Auction app website with SketchApp and ReactJS integration of design + wordpress integration of blog.

Mission Docapost

July 2017 - October 2017 : Web Integrator.Integration of code de la route exam registration website

converted css codebase from CSS to Scss

Consultant Warren Walter

June 2017 - Present : Webdesign, Front end developer.


January 2015 - 2017 : Webdesign, Front end & wordpress developer.


July 2014 - July 2015 : 6 months internship at Sisso agency: Front end developer & webdesigner. Design, development and implementation of websites and virtual tours (krpano). Wrote an in-house tool to facilitate the creation of big virtual tour.

HEC paris

May 2013 :Course at HEC (HEC Digital Innovation for Business Certificate 2013): Design, development and implementation of a professional e-commerce website.


Aout 2011 - June 2012: Internship at Libération newspapper, Graphic designer inside the Web Department: Design of various pages and components of the main website libé, Design and implementation of blogs as well as various tasks.


Summer 2010: 9 weeks Internship at Brainsonic inside the video production Department: created a video to promote the company using After effect.

Novo Nordisk

Summer 2008 : Summer Job at NovoNordisk fallowing the previous intership : agent administratif au sein du service automation rattaché au département Production Support.

April - June 2008: 11 weeks Internship inside the service automation of NovoNordisk Chartres: developed an application use for data processing and analyse.


2008 - 2014: e-artsup Paris M1 en Design Intéractif

2006 - 2008: IUT Laval DUT Informatique

2005 - 2006: Lycée M. Genevoix d'Ingré Bac STI génie électronique


Most familar with:

Photoshop, Illustrator , HTML5, CSS, SASS, Javascript, JQuery, AJAX, Wordpress.

Familar with:

GULP, PHP, SQL, JSON, Boostrap, After effect, Flash, Actionscript 3, Processing.

Know a little:

ReactJS, JS ES6, GIT, JAVA, Balsamiq, Joomla, InDesign


Native French, professional proficiency in English